Covid friendly Christmas activities

- Orléans Drive Thru Parade of Lights, Saturday, December 5, 5 to 8 pm, Place d’Orléans Park and Ride
- Richmond Village Drive-through Santa Parade(link is external), Saturday, December 5, 5 to 8 pm, Richmond Fairgrounds
- Parade of Lights, Saturday December 12, 5 to 8 pm, Eagleson Park and Ride
- Navan Fair Holiday Celebration “UPSIDE DOWN” Parade(link is external), Saturday December 12, 6 to 9 pm, Navan Fairgrounds
- 11th Annual Santa Claus Parade – Drive Thru Style(link is external), Saturday December 12, 7 to 9 pm, Carp Fairgrounds
- Metcalfe Santa Claus Drive-thru Parade, Sunday December 13, 2 to 4 pm, Metcalfe Fairgrounds
In addition, there are a few other holiday activities you can enjoy:
- Lights on the trees in front of, and inside City Hall, December 1 to January 7
- Starting Friday, December 4, bring your skates and enjoy a free skate on the Rink of Dreams, 6am to 11 pm (weather permitting)
- Skating is also available at the Lansdowne Park Skating Court, 6am to 11 pm (weather permitting)
- Lights at Lansdowne(link is external), November 27 until after Winterlude, Casino Lac-Leamy Plaza at Lansdowne
- Magic of Lights Ottawa(link is external), 5 to 10 pm, November 13 to January 9, Wesley Clover Park, Online: $22 +HST & fees, Gate Monday – Thursday: $30, Gate Friday – Sunday: $35
- Vintage Village of Lights: Drive-through edition, Wednesday to Sunday between 5 pm and 9 pm, November 25 to December 23, $25 per vehicle, registration is required, Cumberland Museum
- Christmas Lights Across Canada(link is external), November 30 to January 7
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